When I was on "StarSearch", one of the producers told the other contestants, "She'll never be famous; she's too tough, she's too New York, and she's too heavy." And I remember thinking, "Gosh, he's gonna feel like a jerk when I'm famous. Through the negativity I learned to hear myself quite loudly. - Rosie O'Donnell
It's going to come true like you knew it, but it's not going to feel like you think. - Rosie O'Donnell
I think the promise of fame and what it holds to you as a child and dreaming of it is not what it is. What it is, I'm not complaining about, but it's just different than the reality you dreamed. - Rosie O'Donnell
If you accept being sanctified, you have to accept being vilified. - Rosie O'Donnell